Join us on a soul-nourishing journey with the illustrious Nicky Posley on this episode of Look Behind The Look. Nicky, a beacon of positivity and wisdom in the beauty industry, shares his experiences and philosophies on navigating the complex life of a creative. With years of expertise as both a makeup artist and an educator, Nicky's insights on self-care and emotional resilience are a masterclass in personal and professional growth. As we delve into the essence of Nicky's work, we discuss the importance of standing firm in your values, the transformative power of makeup, and the art of maintaining one's sanity while serving others. Nicky’s approach to beauty is not just about creating flawless complexions; it's about empowering individuals through the art of transformation. His advice on building a career in makeup artistry is grounded in intentionality, patience, and the power of kindness. This conversation is more than just an exploration of Nikki's career; it's an uplifting guide to living a creative life with purpose. Tune in for an episode that will leave you inspired and ready to paint your own canvas, both literally and metaphorically. For more of Nikki's work and educational offerings, visit his Instagram @nickyposley and his website www.nickyposley.com (currently under construction for exciting updates). Don't forget to share your thoughts with us after absorbing the wisdom from this enriching dialogue!
My favorite Assistant: https://make.headliner.app/referral/lookbehindthelookpod_M76kAn ---
Makeup Artist
Nicky Posley's journey into makeup began through his strong fascination with the transformative power of beauty art and fashion. A fine artist first, Nicky experimented with various visual art forms, eventually finding the medium he felt most at home with. He is a working artist, respected beauty educator, and cosmetic brand product development consultant.
He believes that makeup is art, and that art is empowerment. Whether it be slick and modern or primitive and rudimentary, art can evoke emotions deeply rooted in the human experience. Like the human experience, it is ever-changing...always evolving.
Bite-sized deep dives into some of my favorite hair, makeup, and style moments in film history.