Transition Music Prod. by Benny Alexander
Intro and Outro Music by MARTIN
DESCRIPTION: We’re back this week with Episode 11. I sat down with the absolutely incredible stage & theatrical pro makeup artist, designer, and educator, Sarah Cimino. We discuss how she got her start, her deep love for theatre and telling stories, experimenting and learning as a young artist in NYC, her brilliant makeup design and process on the Broadway spectacular Moulin Rouge! The Musical, her work with Company XIV and as always, so much more. Enjoy!
#theatricalmakeup #stagemakeup #broadwaymakeup #moulinrougebway #broadway #makeupdesign #moulinrouge
Guest Bio: Sarah is a NYC based makeup artist working in fashion, film, opera, dance, and specializing in the theatrical. (More at: https://sarahciminomakeup.carbonmade.com/)
* Watch the full video: Moulin Rouge and The Blonds Master Class featuring Kabuki and Sarah Cimino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqA0cSD2wyM&t=86s
* Sarah designed all the makeup looks for the Broadway spectacular, Moulin Rouge: The Musical
* Sarah’s origin story. She always wanted to make theatre, makeup as a career didn’t occur til later on. She attended NYU’s experimental theatre program where she learned to find her voice, express herself and tell stories.
* Sarah describes the art of mask making (and not the ones we’ve been wearing!)
* The first Opera she ever watched was Mefistofele on VHS. The makeup was a revelatory moment. She knew she needed to pursue this professionally.
* Broadway’s Mary Poppins was the first show she worked as a swing makeup artist. Everything from doing the makeup to quick changes!
* Breaking down who’s behind the scenes on a Broadway show.
* Moulin Rouge conversation begins. It was her first Broadway show as the makeup designer. Cathy Zuber is the Costume Designer and David Brown is the Wig Designer.
* Company XIV - She has designed makeup for the burlesque dance company for many years https://companyxiv.com/
* MAC sponsored Moulin Rouge! So Sarah worked with their products to design the looks.
* See more about performer Jeigh Madjus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4UOd41HCm0
* Sarah’s advice for making the makeup last on stage: Strategic Touch-Ups. Remove the shine instead of over-powdering.
* Sarah shares more about her 13 years with Company XIV including Nutcracker Rouge
* Advice for newcomers
* How can we help support Broadway, Arts & Culture workers, Unions, and institutions at this time?
* Be an Arts Hero
* https://beanartshero.com/
* https://www.instagram.com/beanartshero/
* Digital Content from Company XIV
* https://companyxiv.com/packages
* The Actor’s Fund
* https://actorsfund.org/
* Sarah teaches at Julliard - Stage Makeup classes to drama students and dancers as well as at NYU Grad.